Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homework Art (1)

I want to know: Does homework that is enjoyable count as home"work" or only those that you dread doing?

Josh has the occasional Big Book/Little Readers assignment from school, which we really enjoy doing together. What it is is that the school sends him home with a plastic envelope with the following inside:
  • A Big Book (Oversize book)
  • A sketch book
  • A list of suggested family activities relating to the theme in the Big Book
We have two days to finish at least one of the suggested activities on the list. Usually, it entails Josh making a drawing (related to what we had just read) and then I become his secretary and write as he dictates a "Story" about what he just drew.

We always look forward to getting that plastic envelope from school and it's always fun to see what drawings Josh comes up with.

The latest Big Book we got was Down by the Station and one of the suggested activities is to get him to draw his favorite vehicle from among the ones that we saw in the book, then he has to tell a story about it. Initially, he wanted to tell a story about Fanteener-tooner, the Double-Decker Bus (huh?), but he changed his mind and wanted to make a drawing of his school bus instead. (His favorite color is "rainbow," hence the many different colors on his bus.)

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